1. Abulkhanova K.A., Kuzmina N.V., Semenov I.N. Fundamentals of general and applied acmeology. Ed. A.A. Derkacha. Moscow: RAU, 1994; Moscow: RAGS, 1998.
2. Acmeology, political science and pedagogy of social development and vocational education. Eds. by T.S. Bolkhovitina, I.N. Semenov. Moscow; Bryansk: TsNTI, 2002.
3. Bodalev A.A. Personality qualities of the great or outstanding as a guideline for the education of young people. The world of education — education in the world. 2004. № 1. P. 5–12.
4. Derkach A.A., Semenov I.N., Balaeva A.V. Reflexive acmeology of creative individuality. Moscow: RAGS, 2005.
5. Studies of humanitarian systems. Issue 1. Theory of the pedagogical system by N.V. Kuzmina: genesis and consequences. Ed. V.P. Bederkhanova, comp. A.A. Ostapenko. Krasnodar: Parabellum, 2013.
6. Kuzmin E.S. Psychology — production and education. Leningrad: LSU Publishing House, 1977.
7. Kuzmina N.V. Formation of pedagogical abilities. Leningrad: LSU, 1961; 1966 (translated into Hungarian, Budapest, 1963, into English, London, 1963).
8. Kuzmina N.V. The science of raising children in the family. Leningrad, 1963.
9. Kuzmina N.V. The psychological structure of the teacher's activity and the formation of his personality: in 3 volumes. Leningrad: 1964.
10. Kuzmina N.V. Essays on the psychology of the teacher's work (The psychological structure of the teacher's activity and the formation of his personality). Leningrad: LSU, 1967 (17 editions in total; per. on it. yaz., Leipzig, 1975).
11. Kuzmina N.V. Methods of research of pedagogical activity. Leningrad: LSU, 1970.
12. Kuzmina N.V. Problems of teaching and educating students in higher education. Leningrad: LSU, 1976.
13. Kuzmina N.V. Pedagogical skills of a teacher as a factor in the development of students' abilities. Questions of psychology. 1984. № 1. P. 20–27.
14. Kuzmina N.V. Abilities, giftedness, talent of the teacher. Leningrad, 1985.
15. Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and the master of industrial training. VNII Prof.-tech. education. Moscow: Higher School., 1990.
16. Kuzmina N.V. Subject of acmeology. St. Petersburg.: 1995; 2002.
17. Kuzmina N.V. (co-author). Coordination of the requirements of state standards to the level of training of educators, teachers, teachers. Moscow: ICPKPS, 1998.
18. Kuzmina N.V. Acmeology: methodology, methods and technologies. Materials of the scientific session dedicated to the 75th anniversary of corresponding member of the RAO, President of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences Nina Vasilievna Kuzmina. N.V. Kuzmina, A.A. Bodalev, I.N.Semenov. Ed. A.A. Derkach. Moscow: RAGS, 1998. 279 p.
19. Kuzmina N.V. Acmeological research of medical-biological and poetic creativity of two scientists — English and Russian. Shuya: SHSPU, 2001.
20. Kuzmina N.V. Acmeological theory of fundamental education in the experience of talented teachers. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2013.
21. Kuzmina N.V. Acmeology: theory, practice and prospects of development. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2018.
22. Kuzmina N.V. The influence of an academic group on the academic success of students. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2019.
23. Kuzmina N.V., Varfolomeeva L.E., Zharinova E.N. Acmeological foundations of the development of communicative culture and creative readiness of bachelor, master, specialist: monograph. Ed. N.V. Kuzmina. Smolny Institute of RAO. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2015.
24. Kuzmina N.V., Zharinova E.N. Methods of research of educational systems. Mrnrrafiya. RAO, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin. Leningrad: St. Petersburg : Publishing House of NU Center for StrategicStudies, 2018.
25. Kuzmina N.V., Zharinova E.N. History of research of pedagogical activity. Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2020.
26. Kuzmina N.V., Zharinova E.N. Acmeology: methodological and methodological problems. St. Petersburg, 2021.
27. Kuzmina N.V., Kolushova L.V., Zharinova E.N. Acmeological factors of productivity and professionalism of a kindergarten teacher: monograph. RVO, LSU named after A.S. Pushkin. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2018.
28. Kuzmina N.V., Maksimova E.A., Zharinova E.N. The concept of knowledge and competencies of a foreign language teacher: monograph. ANO IN Smolny Institute of RAO, St. Petersburg Public Research Organization “Public Academy of Acmeological Sciences”. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of NU Center for Strategic Studies, 2019.
29. Kuzmina N.V., Rudneva T.I. Dean: activity and personality. Samara, 2021.
30. Kuzmina-Garshina N.V., Luneva L.F. Experience of acmeological research of creativity of a scientist-teacher-poet. Ed. by A.A. Derkach. Shuya: SHSPU, 2000.
31. Larionova L.I., Savenkov A.I., Semenov I.N. Conceptual and personological differentiation of the main directions of modern psychology and pedagogy of giftedness. Psychology of giftedness and creativity. Collection of scientific papers of participants of the III International scientific and practical. online conf. Moscow, IPPO MSPU, November 15–17, 2021. Eds. A.I. Savenkov, V.M. Postavnev. 2021. P. 7–12.
32. Matyushkin A.M., Kuzmina N.V. Current state and tasks of child, age and pedagogical psychology. Questions of psychology. 1983. № 6. P. 5–15.
33. Methods of system pedagogical research: Textbook Ed. N.V. Kuzmina. Leningrad: Publishing House of LSU, 1980.
34. Scientific approaches of the modern Russian psychology. Collective monograph. Eds. A.L. Zhuravlev, E.A. Sergienko, G.A. Vilenskaya. Moscow: IP RAS, 2023.
35. Fundamentals of university pedagogy: Textbook for university students. Leningr. state un-T. The head council on psychology.-ped. problems are higher. Min-wa higher schools. and Wednesday. spec. education of the RSFSR. Ed. N.V. Kuzmina, Leningrad: LSU Publishing House, 1972.
36. Perna N.Ya. Life, rhythm, creativity. Moscow: “Petrograd”, 1925.
37. Semenov I.N. Acmeology a new direction of complex research in modern human studies. Social Sciences and modernity. 1998. № 3. P. 134–142.
38. Semenov I.N. Interaction of the Moscow and St. Petersburg scientific schools of psychology. Psychology before the challenge of the future. Moscow: MSU, 2007. P. 61–63.
39. Semenov I.N. Reflexive personology of vital activity of A.A. Bodaleva and his contribution to the psychology of communication, acmeology of creativity and pedagogy of education (To the 100th anniversary). Izvestia RAO. 2023. № 1. P. 363–399.
40. Modern psychological and pedagogical problems of higher education: interuniversity collection. Issue 4. Eds. A.A. Bodaleva, N.V. Kuzmina, E.F. Rybalko. Leningrad: Publishing House of LSU, 1978. (Moscow Higher. and Wednesday. spec. education of the RSFSR).
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